Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day Four

Many of us have heard that God is no respecter of persons. I believe this means God does not pick and choose whom he will help and whom he will ignore. If he did he would not be a God of love. I believe in a God of pure love. It stands to reason that we, as human beings, are the ones who are respecters of persons and because of that we are the cause our own problems and our own separateness from God. This implies that we are also our own solutions.

If one is living a life that is not to ones complete satisfaction, in any aspect, one has the ability to change it just by changing ones thoughts. Only when one believes that they are separate from God, and one does not deserve a miracle, does one not experience a miracle.

Miracles are for anyone who chooses to use them. Miracles, like God, are no respecters of persons. When one changes their thoughts, their dreams, hopes, desires, indeed, their every wanting manifests itself; one replaces their lacking with abundance.

Wishing is a weak emotion. It is not strong enough to manifest miracles. Therefore, one can not manifest by wishing. A miracle, or the Law of Attraction, is powered by deliberate, specific, high vibrational thoughts. It is an act of asking, recognizing, receiving, and being grateful for the miracle that one has just asked for. A miracle is the universe putting ones thoughts into action. This creates a snowball effect that will continue as long as one keeps asking, recognizing, receiving and being grateful.

After time, this way of thinking and manifesting will be the way one lives, as it becomes habitual.

Love and Light

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