Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day Five

Love Throught the Eyes of a Dog

This is my dog Chloe. She is an Alaskan Malamute. She is beautiful. She is unique in her coloring. Most Malamutes are black and white, but Chloe is sable colored. Taylor and I purchased her about 10 or 11 years ago right after I had a severe miscarriage. She came into my life at a time when I was in the pit of dispare. From the moment I got her she has loved me more than any person. She talks to me, saying, thank you, when I feed her. She puts her paws on me so I have to pet her and love her even when I don't want to smell like dog or have dog fur all over myself. She has seen me through the toughest moments of my existence offering nothing but love.

The amazing thing about pets is that no matter what is going on in your life, to them, you are life. They love you and love you and love you. That is all they do. They somehow see you as only love; regardless if you are mean and nasty, ignore them, or whatever else might happen. They see you as God sees you.

I realized this today. I have had this dog for 10 years and only now am I understanding that she sees me as God sees me; I am pure love. The rest of what I think I am is what I have made up in my mind, as my own reality, for whatever reason.

Dog spelled backward is God. Not that that matters, but I am a dog lover. It has significant meaning to me.

I am deeply appreciative and grateful for the love I feel from and for this creature.

1 comment:

  1. You are so perceptive about Chloe and about God and about life and all the important things. Chloe is a special dog and I'm glad you have her. I hope she lives forever.
