Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Message From Forever

I know I am a tad on the, shall we say, "Interesting side", but without people on that side, the world would be lopsided. It takes all kinds right?

What I would like to address is something I got out of a book called "Mutant Message from Forever".

Our experience here on earth is really all about remembering who we are as spirit beings.

We forget for whatever reason, but there are clues and cues that make us aware and cause us to remember again.

This book is written by a doctor from America who was invited to Australia to implement a preventative medical program. While she was there she encountered the Aborigine's. They are more of an outcast people than other races are in our culture. However, she did not buy into the myths of them and set out on a journey to assist them despite what other people had told her.

On her journey to get to know these people, who call themselves the "Real People", she learned ten things.

1. Express your individual creativity: this means that everyone has a significant roll to contribute to society. There is not one thing that is more or less than another.It is all based on life experience.

2. Realize you are accountable: We are guests on this planet and we get to treat it as such. We get to leave it as good or better than we found it. We get to care for the plants, animals and children who may not have a voice. We get to be accountable for the promises we make, agreements we enter into and the results of our actions.

3. Before birth you agreed to help others: what does this look like to you? Are you keeping your word? Are you being accountable? Are you doing what is in the "highest good for all those involved"?

4. Mature Emotionally: The goal of being human is to grow and to discipline our emotions. We are as happy as we allow ourselves to be. Being truthful with ourselves and others is the key.

5. Entertain: Show off that side of yourself that is childlike, easy going, happy. On the other side show off the side that can receive entertainment as well. Life is about giving and taking.

6. Be a steward of your energy: For me this is the most significant of all things. We were born of energy and everything we do is some form of energy. Energy can not be destroyed or created. It just is. However, energy can be expounded, or grow larger. Everything in our world, seen and unseen, is made up of energy. Therefore, our words, our action and our thoughts are energy. What we focus on grows. If we focus on scarcity or fear, that is what grows. If we focus on love and abundance that is what grows. We are the creators of our lives.

7. Indulge in music: We love music...every nation on earth has their "brand" of music. Music touches our very souls, it makes us move, it makes us think, it makes us real. Music is our soul speaking. It is the voice of our planet communicating to the universe.

8. Strive to achieve wisdom: wisdom is how a person uses knowledge. It is the deliberate, selective decision to act in a certain way or not to act at all, considering the welfare of everyone concerned.

9. Learn self-discipline: Self-discipline can help keep your body healthy. The state of human health is a barometer showing us the state of the earth's health. It is necessary to develop self-discipline to experience any inner connectedness of body and soul.

10. Observe without judging: This gets thrown in our faces on a regular basis. We know the term, "Thou shalt not judge" yet we ALL do it anyway. Why do we do it? The "Real People" say, "Observing without judging is sometimes called "unconditional love". All humans are spiritual souls. All were created in the same instant. No one is older, smarter or better off than anyone else. Each was given the save one gift, the gift of free will, freedom of choice. The Source is perfect, and everything created by the Source is perfect. We were created spiritually perfect and have remained so, but our gift lets us believe and act otherwise. We allow ourselves to see ourselves and others as less than perfect and have the adventure of acting less than our potential peaceful selves.

I truly love you all. I am perfect in all the ways I was created. I am not perfect in my physical body. I still make choices that are not in the highest interest of all those involved. Nevertheless, it is my experience. My experience leads to my reality.

Love and light to you all.....FOREVER!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day Six

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

I have a list. You could say it is my bucket list (things to do, be or have, before I kick the bucket).

The concept of a list is not exclusive; we all have one. From the time we are small children, we learn how to hope and dream, and we begin to create our own list of things we desire; a new bike for Christmas, a new CD, to climb El Capitan, etc. As we grow older we begin to add deeper things to our list such as inner peace. In essence the list is never "complete", and we never arrive, instead we are continually expanding ourselves to be bigger and better. We are in a constant state of asking.

When we ask, God, or whatever you call the power that is greater than you, always, without fail, responds. The part that gets us hung-up is the receiving or allowing part. It may not look like what we imagined it would and it may not come in a way you expected.

For instance, I have a deep love for bikes. I have been a mountain biker for the last 15 years or so. That being said, I never could grasp why anyone would want to ride on those skinny little tires without any tread.
However, I began road riding about a year ago and I NOW comprehend why people ride on those skinny tires; they go really fast! They also cost a pretty penny. Not having the 600,000 pennies or so that it takes to purchase the road bike I wanted, I put it on my list and let the universe take care of how I was going to get it. Then on Mother's Day of 2009 the bike showed up...for free. The frame is blue and black with a mismatched red fork, but it is mine and it is perfect. I am still amazed and deeply grateful for the bike that was delivered to me.

An increase in financial abundance is also on my list. A new financial opportunity presented itself the last week but I didn't recognize it as an opportunity until today when my good friend reminded me that, "You asked for this, and now you have it. You are going to have to take the leap even if you are scared."

This new opportunity has put me in a place that stretches me far out of my comfort zone. It has put me in a place of vulnerability and it is never easy to expose ones underbelly due to vulnerability. However, when we are vulnerable, we are also very teachable.

Once again God has answered my asking, and once again it did not look as I thought it should look. I look forward to this new turn my life has taken, I fully accept it into my life and I am grateful for it.

I am now adding a new item to my list: To shine the real me. What are you adding to your list next?


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day Five

Love Throught the Eyes of a Dog

This is my dog Chloe. She is an Alaskan Malamute. She is beautiful. She is unique in her coloring. Most Malamutes are black and white, but Chloe is sable colored. Taylor and I purchased her about 10 or 11 years ago right after I had a severe miscarriage. She came into my life at a time when I was in the pit of dispare. From the moment I got her she has loved me more than any person. She talks to me, saying, thank you, when I feed her. She puts her paws on me so I have to pet her and love her even when I don't want to smell like dog or have dog fur all over myself. She has seen me through the toughest moments of my existence offering nothing but love.

The amazing thing about pets is that no matter what is going on in your life, to them, you are life. They love you and love you and love you. That is all they do. They somehow see you as only love; regardless if you are mean and nasty, ignore them, or whatever else might happen. They see you as God sees you.

I realized this today. I have had this dog for 10 years and only now am I understanding that she sees me as God sees me; I am pure love. The rest of what I think I am is what I have made up in my mind, as my own reality, for whatever reason.

Dog spelled backward is God. Not that that matters, but I am a dog lover. It has significant meaning to me.

I am deeply appreciative and grateful for the love I feel from and for this creature.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day Four

Many of us have heard that God is no respecter of persons. I believe this means God does not pick and choose whom he will help and whom he will ignore. If he did he would not be a God of love. I believe in a God of pure love. It stands to reason that we, as human beings, are the ones who are respecters of persons and because of that we are the cause our own problems and our own separateness from God. This implies that we are also our own solutions.

If one is living a life that is not to ones complete satisfaction, in any aspect, one has the ability to change it just by changing ones thoughts. Only when one believes that they are separate from God, and one does not deserve a miracle, does one not experience a miracle.

Miracles are for anyone who chooses to use them. Miracles, like God, are no respecters of persons. When one changes their thoughts, their dreams, hopes, desires, indeed, their every wanting manifests itself; one replaces their lacking with abundance.

Wishing is a weak emotion. It is not strong enough to manifest miracles. Therefore, one can not manifest by wishing. A miracle, or the Law of Attraction, is powered by deliberate, specific, high vibrational thoughts. It is an act of asking, recognizing, receiving, and being grateful for the miracle that one has just asked for. A miracle is the universe putting ones thoughts into action. This creates a snowball effect that will continue as long as one keeps asking, recognizing, receiving and being grateful.

After time, this way of thinking and manifesting will be the way one lives, as it becomes habitual.

Love and Light

Day Three

How the Law Works

The Law of Attraction asserts that a person's thoughts attract objects, people, and situations and circumstances, both positive and negative, into his or her life. Proponents of the Law of Attraction assert that the law brings you what you desire when you are 1: clear and specific about what you want 2: energize your desire for the item with thoughts, emotion, visual imagery and also talk about it and believe it is coming, and 3: feel and express gratitude for what you already have and that which you desire, even if it has not yet come into your experience.
(Meera Lester p. 5)

When one manifests something it may be termed as a "miracle". A miracle is the same thing as doing the will of God. When a miracle occurs one allows their own will to be set aside and allow God's will to rule their life. Miracles undo fear and give recognition to God. In addition to miracles honoring God, they honor the individual. Miracles are pure love and as a creation or extension of God you are also pure love, therefore you are lovable.

Thoughts attract miracles. If one deliberately focued their attention on something that they want to call forth in their life...something that they deeply desired to manifest would the Law of Attraction bring it to them? Yes. Always!

Love and Light.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day Two

At times it is difficult to know how you are progressing in your life. Moment to moment may be different and may seem as if we are living on a sliding scale. Sometimes we feel love and joy and at other times we feel despair and hopelessness. What we all really want to feel is love, joy, empowerment and freedom.

Each emotion carries with it its own frequency or vibration. That means that if you are feeling love your frequency is very high. If you feel powerless your frequency is very low.

Esther and Gary Hicks (The teachings of Abraham) have developed a scale so that you can know exactly where you are on a frequency level. When you are at the bottom of the scale you are at the lowest vibration or frequency. As you move up the scale you raise your vibration.

For instance, let's say you come home from a long trip and find your house broken into. The first feeling that is logical to feel is fear and powerless. As you start to go from room to room you may still feel those emotions but it is likely that you will also start to feel anger that someone could violate your privacy. Next you may feel worry and disappointed that this event happened. Perhaps you will then feel overwhelmed as to what the next step of action should be. Who do you call first the police or the insurance company?

The range of emotions you just went through is wide, but you moved from the lowest vibration to a place in the middle. This means you have moved up the emotional scale and are closer to love than to fear. You are making progress.

We are inherently spiritual beings, and we crave love because that is what our true nature is. Nevertheless, we often choose to live in fear.

The question becomes what are we afraid of? How do we stop living in fear? I will suggest that we first start by consciously recognize our emotions and our vibrations and begin to move to a better feeling place.

Emotional Guidance System

Joy, Freedom, Empowerment, Love
Frustration, Impatient
Fear,Depression, Powerless

Many years ago I heard someone say, "Feel the fear and do it anyway". I love that mantra because it moves you from one place to another and the only place to go after fear is up.

Love and Light to you all.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Have you ever stopped to consider that your life is exactly the way it is because YOU, and no one else, created it that way? Isn't that fantastic? This means you have the ability within yourself to make your life whatever you want it to be. You have the power within you to create and change!

Your thoughts and beliefs come from YOU, they are internal. You can choose what is real and what is an illusion.

This blog is for anyone who would like to shift, or make a change in their life. My intention in creating this platform is one, to look at all sides of the coin. Next is to bring together a collective consciousness.

Change and shift is a journey. One does not just arrive. May this platform give you the extra drive you need to see what is truth.

The credit for this idea goes to Meera Lester who wrote the book "365 WAYS TO LIVE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION".

Love and light to you all.

An Ancient Teaching with Many Names

Modern spiritual seekers have called the Law of Attraction a recently discovered ancient secret teaching. Indeed, the law is ancient in its origins. Whether or not it was ever lost or purposefully kept secret could be argued, but what is true is that through the centuries, various spiritual teachers, philosophers, and others have mentioned or discussed the Law of Attraction, albeit calling it by various names in their teachings or writings. Today, renewed interest in the subject has catapulted the ages-old concept to mainstream popular culture while simultaneously placing it under a lens of scrutiny.

You may already be familiar with the concept of the law. The popular books and CDs abut the Law of Attraction by Americans Ester and Jerry Hicks and Canadian Michael Losier, among others, as well as the mega hit, The Secret, by Australian Rhonda Byrne have put principles of that universal spiritual law into greater public awareness( Meera Lester p. 2).