Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day Three

How the Law Works

The Law of Attraction asserts that a person's thoughts attract objects, people, and situations and circumstances, both positive and negative, into his or her life. Proponents of the Law of Attraction assert that the law brings you what you desire when you are 1: clear and specific about what you want 2: energize your desire for the item with thoughts, emotion, visual imagery and also talk about it and believe it is coming, and 3: feel and express gratitude for what you already have and that which you desire, even if it has not yet come into your experience.
(Meera Lester p. 5)

When one manifests something it may be termed as a "miracle". A miracle is the same thing as doing the will of God. When a miracle occurs one allows their own will to be set aside and allow God's will to rule their life. Miracles undo fear and give recognition to God. In addition to miracles honoring God, they honor the individual. Miracles are pure love and as a creation or extension of God you are also pure love, therefore you are lovable.

Thoughts attract miracles. If one deliberately focued their attention on something that they want to call forth in their life...something that they deeply desired to manifest would the Law of Attraction bring it to them? Yes. Always!

Love and Light.

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